Since last week I have had a series of fleeting thoughts about the directions and next steps for my process. I find that I am still struggling to find the specific voice and format that I would like to take with this course. However, I feel that my recent work on other projects regarding universal design for learning and de-colonial-intersectionality praxis application to community-engaged public health research have begun to help me develop some initial thoughts on the structure of both a course as well as an associated site. I find that a major driving force for me in this work has been to emphasize social justice, sociohistorical context, and placing the true approach of design in the hands of my community collaborators. I see my site developing as one where it is an ever-evolving process and an organic entity. I find that I am in some ways stepping back from core content and actual resources toward making the development of the course a community project itself with students/community collaborators.
I also feel that I would like to examine this work through the lens of sociohistorical policy, advocacy, activism and their relationship to the cannon, research, and academia. I believe that there are a number of wonderful projects and content arising at LaGuardia Community College via the LaGuardia & Wagner Archives through the Lavender Line Project. Interestingly however, the digital footprint from LaGuardia regarding this project seems to be limited, but they are working to build upon the initial archival project by working with – initially – the other CUNY campuses based in Queens. It appears that Queensborough Community College has a nice resource page that they have started as well as some information on the Queens College site.
I think that one possible direction, in the development of this LGBTQ Studies community project, is to work more closely with the Lavender Line Project at LaGuardia as a way of informing this site design and course development. This project is focused on ensuring the access of information and for providing a bridge between academic institutions and communities themselves. This can also be more strongly connected with activities occurring via the Wellness Center through the LGBTQ Weekly Wellness Project, the Women’s Center that has incorporated a LGBTQ Coordinator, and Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies program.
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