Spring 2018 | CUNY Graduate Center | IDS 70100: Introduction to Queer Studies


To whom should I teach LGBT studies first? (Naoko Ohri)

What I thought when I imagined myself as a college teacher of LGBT studies is that for what kinds of students I should plan my  course. Should I design my coures for the sake of LGBT students or students as a whole? LGBT students would need to have their own space for learning and have higher interests in LGBT studies, while it would be important to educate broader students so as to make the existing college and neiborhood environments more friendly to LGBT students.

With that in my mind, I searched for several online educational websites and picked up “Community for Accredited Online Schools.” You can find the page “LGBTQ Student Resources” in this website. What is striking to me is that this site aims at offering seamless support for LGBT youth at stages in their passage from the high school to the college level. It is recognized that support in the transition is especially significant for LGBT students because of their unique vulnerability among their straight peers.

In addition, this site looks resourceful not only as LGBT students’ survival and self-help guide, but also informative to their allies, parents, and teachers who want to support LGBT students. In fact, the academic expert of this site, Professor Cohen was former Board of Directors member at PFLAG, an organization of families of LGBT youth. “LGBTQ Student Resources” in “Community for Accredited Online Schools” seems to put weight to bridging the gap between LGBT students and straight students.

LGBTQ+ Student Resources & Support


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